Guide for Authors

The Journal of Drug Research (J DR ) is Published manual. The Journal will Publish original research articles in pharmaceutical sciences, organic, analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, and phytochemistry.

The Journal will publish original research articles, review articles and short communications and letters to the editor.

All submitted articles are subjected to an extensive review by the editorial board and by a panel of referees.

Manuscript Submission:

It is recommended to deliver three copies of the manuscript including figures and tables in heavy-paper envelope with adequate protection. This package must be accompanied by a covering letter including name, full mailing address in addition to e-mail, and telephone and/or fax numbers of the corresponding author.

Authors for submission must approve manuscripts with joint authorship. Authorship should be based on substantial intellectual contribution to the manuscript. One author is designated for correspondence.

The accepted manuscripts become the property of the journal and may not be published elsewhere.

Manuscript Preparation:

Authors are requested to use Standard international units (SI units ) as the primary listing and to include the other conventional units only when their listing is extremely necessary for immediate understanding the article content. All submitted manuscripts must conform to the following:

The manuscript should be typed in double spaced, on one side of A4 paper with margins of 25mm. Papers should be numbered starting with the title page. When manuscript accepted by reviewers for publications, authors can submit ASCII diskette with the final draft.

Title Page:

The title page should carry:

1-title of the article,

2-first name, middle (initial) and last name,

3-name and address of the institution, to which the work, should be attributed.


The required abstract for all manuscripts should include the purpose of the study, methodology,  results of the main findings and conclusion. The abstract is limited to 250 words or less. In addition, Arabic abstract must be included.


The text should be divided into the following headings: introduction, experimental including materials and methods, results and / or discussion, conclusion, acknowledgment , references Arabic abstract.

1- Introduction

Should not state the summary of literature review, but to introduce the purpose of the work in relation to previous related publications.


Materials used in the work must be written in full details including their specifications, and source of manufacture. When animals use, the description of type, age, weight and housing source should be included.

Procedures should be described in sufficient detail to permit others to repeat and reproduce the results of the work. Sources of commercial products need not be listed unless unique. Published methods need not be restated but must be referenced.


Tables and Figures that summarize the results and improve their comprehension are encouraged, but only if the space required is not excessive and less than can be stated in the text.

The number of tables and Figures will generally be restricted to 4 and 4 in number, respectively. The reproducibility and statistical significance of measurements, material or biological, must be included when relevant.


This section should deal with the interpretation of the results and their significance to the field of study. Repetition of information presented in other sections should be avoided, as should general reviews of the literature. In some cases, it may be advantageous to combine the Results and Discussion sections.


Should be a short, one paragraph illustrating the summary of the most important finding (s) of the research.


Persons who have contributed to the paper and sources of support; whether finance or with the raw materials can be acknowledged.


Tables are typed in double spaced on a separate sheet, including number table (in Arabic numbers) and heading. Statistical measures as mean ± SD and ± SE must be listed for each experiment. The units of results for all data in each column should be placed in parenthesis under the column heading.


Figures should be scaled to fit column width (75mm), Photographs must be in color, glossy and sharp. Each figure should be numbered according to the order in which they are first cited in the text.

Number and heading must be at the top of the figure.


References are listed in the order in which they are cited in the text identified by Arabic numbers in parenthesis.


Valenta C, Simon U, Kratzel M and Hadgraft J. The dermal delivery of ion pairing. Int J Pharm.2000; 197:77-85.

2-Chapter in book

Davis S S, Daly PB, Kennerly J W, Hardy J G and Wilson C G. Design and evaluation of sustained release formulations for oral and buccal administration, In: Bussman W D, Dries RR and Wagner W (eds), Controlled release nitroglycerin in buccal and oral form Karger, Basle, 1982,pp17-25